Oxford Vulgate

Oxford Vulgate Nouum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi latine , secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi, Latin New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the edition of Saint Jerome. The edition, commonly known as Oxford Vulgate, relies primarily on the texts of the Codex Amiatinus , Codex Fuldensis (Codex Harleianus in the Gospels), Codex Sangermanensis and Codex Mediolanensis ; but also consistently cites readings in the so-called DELQR group of manuscripts, named after the sigla it uses for them: Book of Armagh (D), Egerton Gospels (E), Lichfield Gospels (L), Book of Kells (Q), and Rushworth Gospels (R). The only major early Vulgate New Testament manuscripts not cited are the St Gall Gospels, Codex Sangallensis 1395 (which was not published until 1931); and the Book of Durrow . Links of DOWNLOAD PDF : Oxford Vulgate Vol 1. Gospels Oxford Vulgate Vol 2. Epistles of Saint Paul Oxford Vulgate Vol 3. Catholics epistles an...