Douay-Rhems Bible editions.

First edition of the Douay–Rheims Bible:

The New testament:

The Old testament:


Challoner editions of the Douay-Rhems:

Challoner revision of 1749

The / New Testament / of / Our Lord and Saviour / Jesus Christ. / Translated out of the Latin Vulgat; dili- / gently compared with the original Greek: / and first published by the English College / of Rhemes, Anno 1582. / Newly revised, and corrected according to the / Clementin Edition of the Scriptures. / With Annotations, for clearing up mo- / dern Controversies in Religion, / and other Difficulties of Holy Writ. / Printed in the Year MDCCXLIX.

The New testament:

Challoner revision of 1750

(The / New Testament / of / Our Lord and Saviour / Jesus Christ. / Translated out of the Latin Vulgat; dili- / gently compared with the original Greek: / and first published by the English College / of Rhemes, Anno 1582. / Newly revised, and corrected according to the / Clementin Edition of the Scriptures. / With Annotations, for clearing up mo- / dern Controversies in Religion, / and other Difficulties of Holy Writ.)

The Old testament:

The New testament:

Online version:



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